Reconnecting with Family and Community
This program helps viewers:
– Understand the importance and advantages of reconnecting with family and others who may be positive influences.
– Prepare for the difficulties they may encounter when re-establishing relationships.
– Identify situations where it may be detrimental to reconnect with people from their past.
– Discover community-based organizations or programs that can support their reentry goals.
Meeting Your Basic Needs
This program helps viewers:
– Prepare for the barriers they may face transitioning back to society, particularly in the first few weeks or months of their release
– Identify people, resources, and programs that can help them obtain their fundamental needs.
– Recognize situations where staying with family or others can be detrimental to their reentry success.
– Understand how to work toward short and long-term solutions to their fundamental needs.
– Avoid common pitfalls that formerly incarcerated individuals often experience after release.
Making Healthy Choices
This program helps viewers:
– Understand the importance of managing their physical and mental health.
– Identify resources and programs that help formerly incarcerated individuals monitor and improve their health.
– Discover techniques for dealing effectively with substance abuse and addiction.
– Learn about healthy coping methods for dealing with stress.
Finding Employment
This program helps viewers:
– Learn the most effective techniques for finding job leads and securing job offers.
– Discover best practices for completing job applications and creating resumes and cover letters.
– Understand how to present themselves professionally in interviews.
– Know when and how to appropriately address their incarceration with employers.
Succeeding on the Job
This program helps viewers:
– Identify essential skills and personality traits required for retaining employment and career advancement.
– Understand employers’ expectations.
– Learn about behaviors and attitudes that can be detrimental to their job security and reputation.
– Discover ways to work toward achieving better jobs and long-term career success.
– Recognize the advantages of pursuing additional education or training.